So.. I thought I would share a few pictures with you... and what I've been up to so far this summer...
I met up with a dear friend for the first time in 15 years... THANKS to facebook!!! We decided to hit Boston and visit the Tall Ships... they come in every 10 years.. and I couldn't pass up this opportunity to meet up with her and take a TON of photographs!!

While in Boston.. they had the MOST AMAZING HUGE Market... We took the T into Boston so we could only grab a few things... otherwise.. I think we would have loaded up on fruits and veggies...

Radishes from the Market...
Along the way to seeking out Covered Bridges we found a few other gems like I said...this being one of them...

This is a Glacial Pothole.. the sign said it's been used for many many years especially for the Native Americans.. I've lived in this area now for 16 years and never knew this existed until we stumbled upon it.. look at old barns to photograph as well...

This is one of the old barns that we found.. I love the sign because it says it all!!!

This is an old Mill Called Blow Me Down Mill... I've searched on the history of it.. and just not sure exactly WHAT the Mill was used for.... but it's beautiful and deserved to be photographed at different angles...

I sure hope NONE ever tried going out that side door.. ha ha!! that's quite the drop.. but then again.. I'm sure there was some sort of different structure there in the past...

This is the Windsor VT/Cornish NH covered bridge.. this bridge joins the two states together over the Connecticut River.. This is the worlds longest two car wide bridge in the world and the longest bridge in the Northern Hemisphere.. and when you ride across it with your windows down .. you can still smell the wood... as if it were built yesterday...

This is the Birth Place of VT.. Windsor.. This is the Constitution House.. The first constitution to prohibit slavery and to establish universal manhood suffrage.

Windsor also had a Prison at one time... this is photo of an old prison cell that now is exposed to the outside world that is storing this kind of machinery in it.. what it is??? I don't know.. but the color and shapes caught my eye....

An Old Barn.. again in Windsor.. it reminds me of some sort of fairy tale story... especially with the strange door in the upper left hand corner.... this barn could tell a lot of stories I believe!!

Broken down saw horse.... with a nest!!! it's amazing how the nest blends into the color of the old wood...

This was seriously.. a drive by "click" shooting... I loved the three silo's and I happened to roll down the window and snap.. and kept driving..... I gave them a black and white effect due to the blurriness of the tree's I caught in the photo...

My other time consumer... BASEBALL!!! Our last game is Wednesday.. the Championship Game... The little men have done AMAZING this year.. they are 12-2..
How is your summer going so far? And great pictures or stories to tell.. tell me about them so I can peek and read them on your blog!!