Each person should judge his own actions and not compare himself with others. Then he can be proud for what he himself has done. Galatians 6:4

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Ok.. I love my state.. I really do!! However.. at this particular moment I'm going CRAZY with all of the "out of towners" "leaf Peeping".. ( Leaf peeping is when people from all over come to check out the beautiful scenery in most of New England)....

Now.. don't get me wrong.. my 35 years of living here I never really marveled at the fact that it was a neat thing that the leaves changed colors. In my youth I thought EVERY state went through fall like us... well in my adult years I realized that wasn't the case.

So if you decide to come to New England or even perhaps New Hampshire.. I want to give you a few rules to take note on... Ok.. clearing my throat.. please listen ....

1) Yes, NH is quite rural.. however we have speed limit signs posted just like every state.. so kindly look to your right as you are cruising down the road.. if you are over the age of 60 and the speed limit says 40.. please KINDLY do 40 and not 20.. the trees are going NO WHERE...

2) If you have this urge and PASSION to view the trees and scenery ( which I don't blame you) PLEASE PLEASE pull your car to the side of the road and STOP.... don't slow down and expect the 35 other natives behind you to NOT get angry. Please.. let's keep the roads safe!

3) Yes Maple Candy and Sugar are part of the NH and VT food groups.. deal with it. If the candy doesn't kill you the price might.. sorry...

4)Ok.. YES this is a covered bridge.. yes it's beautiful I will be the first one to admit it.. but by LIVING here, YES, I use this bridge for transportation purposes.. so when you stick your WHOLE family ( Aunts, Cousins, grandmothers, etc...) in the entry or exit of the bridge.. I understand your desire to capture that moment.. HOWEVER... don't stand there and give us dirty looks and throw your hands up in the air and YELL because we are trying to get to work.. I respect the picture appeal.. but please.. respect that I have to feed my family..

5)Last but not least.. PLEASE PLEASE do not get upset if I have no idea how to give you directions in where you're going.. TRUST me.. you don't want me to give you directions.. You just don't.. and YES.. while we're at it.. the MOOSE crossing signs are REAL!! My tax dollars are not spent on fake signs... at least I hope not!! Ü

Now with that being said.. I have a few pictures from my local park where I walk my pooch almost daily... it was kind of dreary yesterday.. so the pictures are not great... but I'll share anyway...


i_am_4given said...

LOVE YOUR "INSTRUCTIONS" ON HOW TO VIEW THE FOLLAGE!!! LOL!!! Girl, I feel the same way about Gettysburg and Lancaster..I know that the visitors are very excited when they see the Amish in Lancaster or the battlefields of Gettysburg. So I avoid those place during tourist season, because it is horrible to try and drive thorough there.

Oh, as for the pictures...Love them!! But my favorite is the Football one!! Football reminds me fall, along with the weather!! I am such a football addict that I have a problem finding something to do between Feb and July!!...hehe

I would love to see the rest of them, so let me know when they are all on!


Wendy said...

Right on sister....

Susanne said...

The instructions are too funny but not really! ;v)

I know "tourists" are very frustrating to locals with the lookey loo stuff.

Love your pictures. Just beautiful. While we get love fall colors here, it's mostly yellows. Not too much reds around here. I love the mix of fall colors you guys get.

jayedee said...

testy! testy!

lol i love IT!

i live that life myself down here in florida where all YOU folks come to sightsee and soak up OUR sun! i don't know which is worse, ya'll kind of people or the mosquitos! oy!

love ya girlie!

cajunquilter said...

ok i should borrow this and where you say foliage, i will insert alligator roflol. right on girlie.

love ya,

♥Lisa and The Pug Posse ♥ said...

Oh this is great! what a nice idea for a post for all the Out of State bloggers. So true and very well written! Can you even believe the colors this year! so bright and Bold!

the real ~Roxann~ said...

I can see how that would be frustrating!

Joanna said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I had to come have a look at yours of course and wow shock - you are in NH too! Woo Hoo! So I had a good chuckle at the rules. We've only been here a year but I soooo 'get' it lol! Beautiful photos - aren't we lucky to be living amongst all this?!