She went out with her debit card and check book.. and hit the thrift stores.. so everyone called her The FrugalFlipFlop Mom...
One day her husband asked her if he could go up into another city and buy an XBOX 360 for him and the son.. The FrugalFlipFlop Mom.. was thinking this is NOT so frugal but agreed anyway under the condition that she gets to hit the thrift stores.
Her husband thought this was a good idea..So they packed the kids in the car and went on a little trip. And she put on her flipflops for the first time in a long time...( yeah.. it's quite noticeable that she needs a pedicure.. but let's not embarrass her anymore in this story)

Once they were at The FrugalFlipFlop Mom's destination she reminded her hubby "Don't dawdle to long and don't spend unnecessary money.. and don't talk to strangers who want you to spend more money"..
"Don't worry hunny, I'll be careful" was the words that came out of her hubby's mouth...
But when The FrugalFlipFlop Mom walked into the Thrift stores she believed all bets were off to her...
My.. what wonderful items are here....
So she went out in search of great treasures..

SUDDENLY treasures came popping from everywhere... and her daughter breaks her train of thought and says "What are you looking for in here"...
The FrugaFlipFlopl Mom Replied "I'm on my way to a journey of finding treasures what ever jumps out at me"
She realized she only have a little bit of time so she excused herself and went straight to treasure hunting...

Other Patrons had no chance in getting items of greats like The Frugal FlipFlop Mom.. she gave them no time and gobbled up all the good deals...
The Frugal FlipFlop Mom gave out a sigh of excitement.. when she found these two pyrex bowls for half off...
"my what a wonderful deal I found".. she said..

She couldn't help but take a good close up look at one of the bowls she grabbed...
A few minutes later The Frugal FlipFlop Mom spied a doll from her childhood.. or.. was it a fake..?

Ahh is it true.. is it really you?
"Oh how lovely to see you... you're coming with me"...
Upon inspection she could scarcely remember if it was the true doll from her childhood...
"Let's see what happens when I flip you around"..

"Why Grandmother what a lovely face you have.. it's still in great condition"...

"Ahh what lovely eyes you have... "...

"What lovely ears you have"....

"ahhh ummm.. what lovely.. teeth you have??? ok.. well maybe they could use some work"?
The Frugal FlipFlop Mom was about to leave her and run to the other side of the thrift store.. but her lovely daughter came in and rescued her and the doll.. She encouraged her to bring it home and fix it up a bit...
She said "Frugal FlipFlop Mom haven't you learned an important lesson.. never leave something behind that you truly love and leave behind what you think you can do without"...
Her daughter was so right... The Frugal FlipFlop Mom was so excited that her daughter taught her an important lesson that day... "Those with the most coolest thrift store finds WINS"....
The End...

P.S. I.. umm I mean SHE bought these amazing milk white "dishes" for Easter decorations and she can't wait to use them and decorate with them...