Each person should judge his own actions and not compare himself with others. Then he can be proud for what he himself has done. Galatians 6:4

Saturday, October 23, 2010

I've been blog cruising this morning... ( haven't posted or commented on any of them sorry!!).. I have been looking for Christmas Gifts to make... frugal ones in fact... and I realized that I have neglected my blog.... YET... again....

My life has taken a turn... well... maybe I should say change... since August I've been hosting a foreign exchange student from Ecuador... nothing we planned on for sure... and I have begun the process of going to school to achieve my RN... SLOWLY... like...more slow than a snail... but I took the first step and I'm half way through with psychology with an A!! It's been a lot more work than I anticipated but I'm proud of myself! I am also signed up for the LNA course in the Spring... I'm blessed with my job for paying for my education... and with taking a course at a time it enables me to focus and do well... or at least that's what I'm striving for....

On the side I've been doing photos for people... some seniors and some families.... I'm still doing my thrifting and finding GREAT deals... I'm addicted to clothes right now.. YIKES!! Poor hubby.. he has no room in our bedroom for anything.... I told him.. probably within a year.. I'll be moving from nice duds... to scrubs... but... hey.. time will tell...

Off to dinner at a friends.. wish I could write more... but share with me any frugal Christmas Ideas!! Okay??


Mere said...

Beautiful pictures! I could so see you hosting a foreign exchange student....you have such a big heart so it seems totally doable for you :) Frugal christmas ideas.....how about some sort of jar mix? Like brownies in a jar and all they have to do is add the liquids?? Just a thought! I've missed youuuuu!!!!

Love, Mere

Love, Mere

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Great job, lady. Those are fantastic shots.

Jen Mc said...

Wonderful photos!!!!!

I am with you on the frugal gifts. I am going to make coaster sets for teachers.

Have a SUPER weekend! I'll try to pop by more often.

Cherrie said...

I am making homemade hot chocolate mix for my four grandchildren. I found cute containers at the Dollar Store.