Each person should judge his own actions and not compare himself with others. Then he can be proud for what he himself has done. Galatians 6:4

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Today is one of those days where life has seemed to change and has taken a turn around the corner in a new direction! It's one of those days you're not so sure if you should laugh or cry! Here are a few pics.. just to share... Sometimes when GOOD things happen they still bring you to tears.. almost in a painful way!! Here's my daughter with MANY of her friends that graduated.. the first being her boyfriend... Today.. we also said "goodbye" to Maria... she is traveling New England but soon heading off to Spain.. it was quite bittersweet!! Play the song while you watch the video.. it speaks a thousand words and more!!


Lara Neves said...

Great pictures! She's beautiful! I refuse to believe my girls will ever grow up that big, LOL! :)

cajunquilter said...

wait, katie didn't graduate right? just her boyfriend.

she is one beautiful girl!

Mere said...

Oh my!! Congrats to them!!


Cris said...

It's hard to believe that that day will be here before you know it. ***sigh*** They grow up so quickly don't they?

a friend to knit with said...

ohh...! This brought me chills....Congrats to your daughter, and thanks for putting this special occasion to the fabulous tunes of rascal flatts...
Life moves too fast!