Each person should judge his own actions and not compare himself with others. Then he can be proud for what he himself has done. Galatians 6:4
Monday, December 13, 2010
School is over for a month.. and I'm hoping to have more time to jump on here and READ more of what you all have to say!! I'm spending my free time now .. Reading... Exercising and baking.. exercising because I have to taste test everything I bake...YUM.. These are a couple of pictures I've taken for Christmas Cards this year... I can't believe my daughter is now TWENTY and my son FIFTEEN... the time truly does fly!! I've gone thrifting and have found some really cool Vintage Christmas Decorations for PENNIES.. I'll have to post photos and share.. Have you found anything cool lately?
Saturday, October 23, 2010
I've been blog cruising this morning... ( haven't posted or commented on any of them sorry!!).. I have been looking for Christmas Gifts to make... frugal ones in fact... and I realized that I have neglected my blog.... YET... again....
My life has taken a turn... well... maybe I should say change... since August I've been hosting a foreign exchange student from Ecuador... nothing we planned on for sure... and I have begun the process of going to school to achieve my RN... SLOWLY... like...more slow than a snail... but I took the first step and I'm half way through with psychology with an A!! It's been a lot more work than I anticipated but I'm proud of myself! I am also signed up for the LNA course in the Spring... I'm blessed with my job for paying for my education... and with taking a course at a time it enables me to focus and do well... or at least that's what I'm striving for....
On the side I've been doing photos for people... some seniors and some families.... I'm still doing my thrifting and finding GREAT deals... I'm addicted to clothes right now.. YIKES!! Poor hubby.. he has no room in our bedroom for anything.... I told him.. probably within a year.. I'll be moving from nice duds... to scrubs... but... hey.. time will tell...
Off to dinner at a friends.. wish I could write more... but share with me any frugal Christmas Ideas!! Okay??
Saturday, September 04, 2010
I miss blogging and have so much to share... hopefully within the next week... I can tell you all about my life's NEW adventures.. some dreams are coming true... and God is surely putting things in our laps that I haven't expected!!
Happy Labor Day Weekend!!
My kitty.. who just doesn't want to be bothered on this holiday weekend... can't say as if I blame her!!
Tuesday, July 06, 2010
My 4th of July was a lazy one... one I actually planned on... Since working in October I haven't had a long weekend.. or extra days to do what I've really wanted... I'm not complaining at all because I know there are many out there who would jump at taking my job....so I've been working really hard to have perfect attendance and to work hard and especially keep my mouth closed (so many moments of late that I haven't wanted to though... Ü) So hubby and I bummed around and I did some things around the house that needed to be done!! I gave an old swing a new makeover with a bit of spray paint and a little bit of Rit Dye!! (oh.. that's still soaking... oopss)Here's a crazy picture of hubby... UNCLE SAM WANTS YOU...I don't know about you... but I've always wanted to try a "Drunken Chicken"... however I dislike the taste of beer VERY MUCH.. so I decided to use a diet coke instead... if I do it again.. I think I'll try SPRITE... This above picture is the before picture....This is the after picture... the last hour I added up some left over chopped up baked potatoes..In truth.. the chicken was good.. and it was very moist... but I wasn't "gaga gaga" for it... Next time I might try different seasonings for the skin... to be fair there was nothing left of this meal except a few potatoes.... so .. I really shouldn't complain...
This is what I did.. I turned the grill on... the two side that I wasn't going to use ( I have a 4 burner grill) I turned off and put the the chicken right on that heat..don't put it directly on the flamed side. I then washed and rubbed the chicken up and mixed these spices together 1 TBSP Paprika 1 TBSP Garlic Powder 1 TBSP Oregano 1 tsp Coarse Sea Salt 1 tsp fresh ground pepper
Rubbed it all over the chicken and then took out half of the coke from the can and set it in it's holder and plopped the chicken over it.. and then... cooked the chicken for an hour and a half... I know you're suppose to use a meat thermometer and check for doneness at 180 degrees... but I really don't have one.... YIKES!! But I can attest that the chicken was completely cooked and not a pink area in site!! If you've tried one of these.. with a different recipe.. would you share it ?? or if you do try this.. let me know what you think....
Sunday, July 04, 2010
Happy 4TH of JULY!! Can you believe in the hundreds of pictures I have in my computer... I have VERY few nice Patriotic Pictures.... kind of makes me sad.. and something I will definitely have to work on!! I hope you all have a SAFE and FUN day!!
Happy Memorial Day!! I hope everyone enjoyed a great weekend with family and friends!! and remembered those who have fought and died for our FREEDOM!!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
It's been lonely here... without you.... WAIT.. I mean... ME.. I've neglected my poor blog.. and for that I'm sorry... The past few months have been a whirl wind to me.. I've added so much on my plate... silly me... I took over a Daisy Girl Scout Troop... WHY??? I ask myself the same thing.. as 13 years of Girl Scouting wasn't enough.... I'm almost done training in my new job... it's taken SIX MONTHS for me to learn all 4 jobs... and now.. tomorrow the hospital has thrown in another job for all of us women.. This hospital adds on... BUT has decided that it's not hiring any new employee's.. in fact.. layoffs could be in the works...after expanding and spending millions of dollars... they need to cut employees... I don't even want to go into how that will effect patient care... This has been keeping me up at nights...
I also began my journey to nursing school.. YUP.. I did it.. I hit the submit button on the college website... and have now almost completed my first steps of being accepted...I must admit.. I NEED to brush up on my math skills... BADLY... but I received a 101% in the English.. ( if you can believe it... it can't be because I write this blog.. but because I read everyone else's blogs)...
So that's a small update... I have tons more to share.. but I know you have other blogs to read... Ü Warm weather is BACK.. that means more stuff to scope out to photograph!! I can't wait!! What's new with all of you???
Thursday, February 04, 2010
Have you ever Met Miss Clara??( That's what I call her)..She is the SWEETEST lady you will EVER "meet" on the Internet!!! She is 94 years old and has her own Cook Book out!! Clara's Kitchen...This Cookbook has EVERYTHING that I LOVE... Cooking, Stories, and Photos.... I borrowed mine out of the library.. but believe me.. this is one of those books that I will purchase! Miss Clara shares recipes from her childhood depression... The stories make you laugh, make you hold back a few tears, and really make you appreciate what YOU do have instead of worrying about what you DON'T have. EVERYONE deserves to hear her stories...Some of the recipes.. well.. I know I won't try... and I'm not even sure what Burdock is??? Ha Ha... but there are some in there that I can't wait to try!! I'll have to share my results...!! I first found her on YouTube while helping my daughter find information on The Depression. She has the American Girl Doll.. Molly and has always been fascinated with the era in which she lived, so much so that Strawberry Banke .. here in NH... did a whole skit on Molly's era and what it would be like to live in that time...The Actors.. the Stories.. were done very WELL!! The bomb shelters... The Gardens... the Ration Stamps.... collecting scrap metal and children giving up their toys in order for more weapons and ammo to be made... no wonder why toys from that time are Rare.. and most certainly valuable now!!
Here is one of her many.. many videos you can find on youtube... I'm going to warn you.. you better grab something big to drink and perhaps a snack.. because you're going to want to watch them all... In this episode Miss Clara is going to make Breakfast Cookies and Strong Coffee... Cookies.. for breakfast.. MY kind of Breakfast... You can also be her friend on facebook.... I thought that was so sweet... Here is her linkClara Cannucciari
Saturday, January 23, 2010
I have another quick, easy and oh so YUMMY recipe to share with you... I also took this recipe from the OAMC recipe book by Mimi Wilson and Mary Beth Lagerborg. My hubby's cousin and I decided we would take a Saturday and make a couple weeks of menus ahead of time and freeze to help her stretch her budget and save time since she has two little ones at home and works FULL time. I stumbled upon this recipe and thought I would give it a whirl.. I didn't think it would have the robust flavor that it does.. and it's now become one of my hubby's FAVORITE chicken dishes! Teriyaki Chicken 1/2 cup soy sauce 1/2 cup sugar 1 1/2 TBSP red wine vinegar 2 tsp Vegetable oil or sesame seed oil 1 small minced garlic clove 3/4 tsp ground ginger 1lb boneless, skinless chicken breasts 1 cup regular, uncooked rice
Now.. before I go any further.. remember I was telling you we were eating better?? I made a few adjustments... I used a LOW SODIUM soy sauce, I used SPLENDA instead of sugar, and I didn't have any red wine vinegar so I substituted with apple cider vinegar. I also doubled the recipe so I could have a second meal the next day.
To Make: Mix soy sauce, sugar, vinegar, oil, garlic to make marinade. Freeze Chicken in marinade in a 1 gallon bag. ( Obviously I didn't because we were eating it that night.. I made it first thing in the morning and let it marinade in the fridge all day)Here it is marinating. When preparing to serve, thaw chicken. Pour chicken and marinade into a baking dish. Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for 35 minutes. Prepare rice according to package directions. Serve Chicken over rice. Makes 4 servings As you can see below.. I don't bake mine.. I grill mine even when it's -2 degrees outside.. because I LOVE the grilled flavor....
I didn't map out the TOTAL cost for the entire meal because I tend not to add in the cost of the soy sauce or any ingredient I have purchased to use several times... but with all the fresh ingredients the meal probably cost around $10... which averages out to $5.oo per meal.. and it fed 3 people with still a bit left over!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
It's not easy to cook cheap AND healthy as most of us know.... I'm trying to cut back on my food budget in 2010 and so far I'm not doing great.
Here's my problem.... we don't eat out... so we don't waste money eating at other places... we don't use credit cards for lavish wants vs needs.. ( we learned that a long time ago)... we don't run to new stores... we don't have to have the latest things...BUT where food is concerned I'm addicted to going to the grocery store almost daily! I LOVE fresh veggies, fresh meats, and other items.. I can't help it.. but I'm realizing that it's hurting our budget... BADLY.
Heck.. I got a Pandora bracelet for Christmas.. and I have no beads to go on it.. and I'm not sweating it... not a priority to me and in fact.. I love the plain silver chain if I do say so myself... as I find some of the beads to be... well... not my taste...
But.. back to the topic of food... My Monday night Library Date nights have enticed me to grab more and more cookbooks for more frugal, happy meals. Now throw in the challenge of me working... gives me less time to whip up the meals it use to take me all day to make sometimes... I'm not complaining and enjoyed those days.. but now I need something quicker.. yet still inexpensive...
I found this recipe in one of the Once-A-Month Cooking Cook books I grabbed at a Yardsale last summer... as you guess from the title it's a FABULOUS recipe to make a head and freeze for later... so if you find you LOVE this recipe.. you can double it up and freeze for a later date!!
Super easy to make.. here.. I just browned up some ground beef with garlic... while preparing the base of the soup here... Now.. to share the recipe... This literally took about 40 minutes to make and throw together... NOW.. if you're going to FREEZE this recipe... DO NOT make the Ravioli's until the day you want to serve it... You can also make this a meatless dish and serve with plain cheese ravioli's..I didn't have any tomato paste so I cut the water in half. I did double this recipe so we could have left overs for another day this week
RAVIOLI SOUP 1 pound ground beef 1/ 4 cup soft bread crumbs 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese 3/4 teaspoon onion salt 2 teaspoons minced garlic cloves (2 cloves) 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 1/2 cups finely chopped onion 1 28-ounce can Italian-style crushed tomatoes in puree 1 6-ounce can tomato paste 1 14 1/2 can beef broth 1 cup water 1/2 teaspoon sugar 1/2 teaspoon dried basil leaves 1/4 teaspoon dried thyme leaves 1/4 teaspoon dried oregano leaves 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley 1 12-ounce package plain ravioli without sauce salt Parmesan cheese for serving
Cook the ground beef in a large pot until browned, about 15 minutes. Drain the fat. Combine remaining ingredients except frozen ravioli and additional Parmesan cheese. Bring soup to a boil; reduce heat. Cover and simmer for about 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Thaw and cook ravioli according to package directions until just tender. Drain ravioli; add to soup. Salt to taste and serve with Parmesan cheese.Here is the final outcome... I'm even practicing putting my names up on my pictures ( I've been noticing some family members are snagging pictures that I take off my facebook sadly...) I have to cut this blog post short.. as my daughter is headed back to college... it was nice having her home for a month.. and now I feel like I have to get use to her not being here all over again... :(
Brad Cutler, twenty-eight, is a rising star at his New York ad agency, about to marry the girl of his dreams. Anyone would agree he has it all … a great career, a beautiful and loving fiancée, and a fairy tale life ahead of him—when memories of a high school girlfriend begin to torment him. Lost innocence and one very difficult choice flood his conscience, and he is no longer sure what the future will bring except for this: He must find his old love and make amends. Haunted by the past and confused about the future, he turns to God seeking forgiveness and redemption.
It's a sensitive subject.. and it's nice to see a mans perspective on this subject ( you'll have to check it out more to see the topic.. ) I'll let you know what I think when I'm done.. but so far.. so good!
Sunday, January 03, 2010
Back in November... right before Thanksgiving I decided to make a Bread Machine Recipe that I had been holding on to...literally for years! I was a skeptic.... The Recipe.... Homemade Dog Treats. Now... I've seen people make these and sell them... the hard flat bones that look all the same to me...I thought that was how these would turn out... but I was WRONG... WAY WRONG... These looked so good that I had to WARN everyone in the home... that they are NOT people cookies... well technically you could eat them... but I'm sure they wouldn't taste as good to us as they did my dog.... The VERDICT.. she LOVED them! I just love this little tin stand that they are setting on too.. another great find at the Salvation Army....And.. for the recipe...
3/4 cup beef stock 1 egg 3 tablespoons bacon grease 1 1/3 cup all-purpose flour 1 1/3 cup whole wheat flour 1/4 cup nonfat dry milk 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder 2 teaspoons yeast
Place ingredients in bread pan according to manufacturers directions and press "Dough" cycle. When machine beeps, remove dough to lightly floured countertop and with a rolling pin, roll dough out to 1/4" thickness. Using a dog bone cookie cutter (or any small seasonal cookie cutters), cut out dog biscuits and place on a lightly greased cookie sheet or one sprinkled with cornmeal. Re-roll scraps and repeat till all dough is used up. Place in a warm location and let rise 30 minutes. Bake at 325 for 30 minutes until brown and no longer soft. Place on a rack to cool. Store in an airtight container.
The weather has been FRIGHTFUL here for the past couple of days... the snow is falling at a light rate... but every time I peek outside... it just gets higher and higher.... so if you are were it's snowing... keep warm... or go out and build an amazing snowman... Ü
Friday, January 01, 2010
I love the New Year... I promise myself NO New Year Resolutions.. I've just never been that kind of girl. Probably a good thing I'm not a Catholic Girl either... because Lent would be out the window for me.... Instead I focus on dreams, desires, and where the Lord wants to take me... sometimes I battle with HIM because *I* have better ideas of what I WANT from life..... He has other plans almost always... Ü This year... I would like to focus on my photography.. and learn more of my camera and to take better photos. ... I think I've gotten MUCH better... but there's always room for improvement! I would like to put more effort into my dreams of becoming a nurse....I know what to do... I just need to stop believing I'm going to fail before I start! This year I would like to become healthier.. and lose another 10lbs.... I want to be the example for my family to follow! There's three... anymore and I think I would be setting myself up for failure..... I however would like to blog more...I am missing it.. and I'm missing all of you that read! For that I thank you!!
I'm a 41 year old mom and now grammie!!..sometimes it's hard to separate mom to who I am as a woman, but for the time I'm loving it. I have been married for 17 years this May (11) and I could not ask for a more loving, genuine man.. he's my rock! Together we BOTH have a passion for kids.. and in the future hopefully we can do something that will honor that gift we have from God! But for now.. we will wait and be the best we can for the kids that are surround us now.. It's a gift to be called mom and dad.. but a blessing to be called mom and dad from kids that didn't grow under our heart.. but in it!!