Each person should judge his own actions and not compare himself with others. Then he can be proud for what he himself has done. Galatians 6:4

Thursday, June 28, 2007

HEYYYYYYYYY all.. I am so sorry about the delay in my blog.. these past couple of weeks around this house have been super-de-duper CRAZY!!! Tonight.. I am making time for all of my cyber buddies.. and maybe the hour long walk I just took gave me ENERGY!! WOO HOO....

I have so many things to write about and be thankful for that I don't even know where to begin, so I think over the next few days I'll just write what comes to heart and share!!

This is a picture of my precious kitty EMMA... she has the right Idea ... she did this herself.. she is laying on my table cloth and snuck under my quilted runner that I lay on top of it... It just came out of the dryer... What a CRAZY CAT!!

I'm scattered brained tonight.. I was just browsing around youtube looking for commercials when I was kid... I found the Woodsy Owl.. Remember Give a HOOT don't POLUTE.. LOL LOL.. Well upon that commercial I found this one...!! You have to watch it.. I won't give it away.. but I just remember STOPPING everything I was doing.. and HAD to watch... What is it about this entertainer that DRAWS people to him? Now as an adult.. I realize that he is one of God's son's... but I question if he feels the Love of Christ.... I'm hoping someday that he comes back to reality and realizes that himself... Guess who I'm talking about yet?? LOL LOL...


Lara Neves said...

That is so funny that you were doing that...DH and I were looking up a bunch of old 80s commercials just last night, LOL!

Susanne said...

Oh memories, I tell ya!

I gotta say the hairs on my neck stood up after reading about your experience on the note you left me. Oh my word. I think I would have flipped right out. Or passed out. I'm not sure which.

Aunt Angie said...

I need a bunch of that energy! Thanks for stopping by my blog...I had computer problems last week and had to get new hard drive and some of my "favorites" went missing!!! You are one! So now I have you back!!! :)
Have a blessed weekend!!!

Aunt Angie said...

I had forgotten all about those commercials! (I am showing my age)

Cris said...

LOL. We did the old commercial thing for my mom's 50th birthday about a month ago. Some of them really brought back memories.

And WTG on your weightloss. My has been a sllllloooowwww process too, but It's better to lose it slowly and keep it off, then to lose it quickly and to gain it back just as quick. Keep up the great work. Your hard work will pay off soon enough. I'm rootin for ya!

Deb said...

Your cat is precious! I love how sunggly she looks all wrapped up!