As much as I would love to, I can't buy every book that I read .. I would go BROKE!! On my normal visits I usually walk around and touch about 35,000... just because I can... but today.. my trip consisted of having to use the computers... the public computers because my printer decided to DIE on me. My son has a book report due on Friday and we needed to print off pictures and facts to make a mobile ( remember making those with the coat hangers!!).
I place my son at one of the 5 computers they have and told him to sit there for a second. I asked the librarian how to access the computer.. he kindly tells me... BUT.. before I could walk back over to the computer that my son *HAD* been sitting at.. two teens come from no where and kick him off... GRRRR.. so NOW I'm on an 11 minute waiting list ( it could be up to an hour).. so 11 minutes isn't bad.. but I was still steaming because of these two teens....
They leave within 5 minutes.. which is cool... So we walk over .. log in.. and VOILA we have access.. super cool!! We don't get but 15 minutes into this project and these two teens are back.. and they are TICKED because we are on the computer that they were using ( and had logged off from)... So they decided to take my jacket and my sons school work and shove it to the opposite side of the table... I have money and cards in my jacket so I have to go and grab them.. and I said to them.. "Didn't anyone show you manners?" Of course no answer...
Well, I guess to get "back at me".. they decided to make their phone ring.. text message.. you name it they did it with it... I again told them they were SEVER LY RUDE!!! We are seriously trying to work hard on this project and the distraction is OBNOXIOUS!!! Then ever 35 seconds they kept asking the girl next to me how much time she had left ( we have an hour tops if there is a waiting list)... So on top of jabber jawing, phone playing, and yelling about how much time someone had.. I was ready to BLOW a GASKET!!! I could NOT believe how RUDE these kids were.. and seriously not caring how RUDE they were...
There was one librarian upstairs and he was busy.. so he couldn't do much.. but I had a funny feeling he KNEW I was aggravated when I paid for my paper that I used.
Why or Why do parents and adults think this behavior is funny and acceptable?? Out of the 5 computers my City has ONE and Only ONE of them were being used for school work. Now don't get me wrong.. I believe that everyone should do what they want on a computer.. but when you do have 2 or 3 kids that NEED to get school work done.. it was annoying!! I think they should split them up actually... some for fun and some for work.....
As for the teens.. grrr... I don't understand the obsession with Cell Phones.. I don't understand the NEED to be rude with them.. and honestly honey.. I don't really want to hear about the boil you have on your backside.. take that conversation to mama!!! sighhhh!!!
Good news.. the report is almost done!!! WOO HOO!!!
How rude!
oh my goodness! I can't believe how dumb people can be.
oh my!! I"m so sorry! What did Austyn say about all of this? Did he get the report done? When is it due?
Oh MY! I would of flipped on them. Really? I know what you mean some kids in this town are little sh*t heads...That is one thing I can not stand is rudeness especially from a teen...That angers me to hear they treated you so badly. Poor Austyn. another Place I can't stand going to is Arrowhead! My daughter loves going there but again you et the rude snotty teenagers who like to ruin it for those who want to be there for nothing but a Good-time...
yanno, if that were one of my kids, politically correct or not, i'd beat the tar outta them! i do not tolerate rudeness or disrepect from my children! parents not doing their jobs *eye roll* makes me INSANE! i' sorry you and austyn had to deal with it all!
btw, deltona is just down the road from me!
p.s. i LOATHE cell phones too!
just another excuse to be rude, in my opinion
well you know my feelings about rude people especially children. i am with jayedee. i would box their ears. sorry thing is i bet the parents were no where around. also i think that the librarian had to have heard/seen what was going on and just didn't want to deal with it. that is how things are here too.
sorry you and austyn had to go through this.
people just don't care now a days if their children are rude.
it is a sorry state of affairs if you ask me.
the whole thing is, in my mind at least, is that it takes no more energy or effort to be pleasant and polite than it does to be rude and disagreeable.
a smile, a yes or no ma'am, please or thank you just about make my day and i bet 'most everyone feels the same.
so why is it, do you think, that there are so many rude disagreeable people taking up space? have they just not been taught? or do they just not care?
I am sorry for your rotten day at the library. You are for sure more polite than me... I would have marched my little hiney upstairs to the librarian, and demanded they be thrown out. OUT I said... I was driving through a grocery store parking lot on Tues. and a group of teens apparently thought I should stop and let them cross. The only reason I didn't is because they started to walk out in front of my car with an attitude. So I said Oh no you don't... They were yelling every name in the book at me. I wanted to get out and saY "I AM SO SORRY, COULD YOU REPEAT THAT." I would just die if my son acted like that.
(((HUGS))) How rude of them :< You handled it quite well! Hope you had a blessed christmas!! Love nad miss ya...
Teenagers today are rude and feel like they own the world and that everyone OWES them something. What is with that generation? I was a teenager of the 80's but I worked 30 hours a week, had my own car, my own checking account, paid my own Car insurance while still going to school everyday. I did miss lots of stuff going on at school but I was responsible and respected PEOPLE...these kids have no respect...Sorry this happened to YOU guys. I think the Libary should also Post some signs and make better provisions for when teens are alone in there. We have a store down here that has a sign that not more than 5 students are allowed at a time in their store without an Adult. I use to find that strange but now I understand why and I fully agree with it...esp if I was the store Manager..i probably would say NO students without Parents. The store here is actually the CVS...seriously.....Sorry I vented on your Rant...but I agree with YOU so much!
You asked, a while ago, how I got the snowflake in the ornament....They are soft plastic and I was just able to maneuver them in the itty bitty hole!!
Sorry it took so long to respond!
Oh sad that you had such a bad experience at the library. I haven't been at one for years, but I remember that the 'shhhhed' you went you got to loud.
Glad that you got done what you needed to get done though :)
Have a blessed weekend.
OMG! I can't believe how rude they were! Seriously, there are just too many people in the world these days that just don't care how they treat other people. It's all about me me me! How frustrating. Glad to know that you were able to get the report done.
Cell phones drive me crazy too!! That was just plain ole' rude!
Anyways...I just came across your blog. The title caught my eye! Myself, I am a Beach Bum from Tennessee. =-)
I enjoyed reading your blog.
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