Each person should judge his own actions and not compare himself with others. Then he can be proud for what he himself has done. Galatians 6:4

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Ok.. so I did another STUPID thing today.. I ventured back out to Wal*Mart.. 1) on a SATURDAY and 2) the day before a holiday... but seriously.. I really wanted a nice butternut squash to enjoy our oven roasters with tomorrow afternoon...WAL*MART said that they had NO squash and that NO ONE in town has any... ummm ok... So me.. being told I wasn't going to find something went in search at the next grocery store... HA HA HA guess what mr WAL*MART employee I found a TON!!! So I marched up to the register and the lady put them on the scale and said that will be $8.48.... WHAT?????????????????? ummmm... I told her "I can't justify paying that much for two very SMALL squash that only I am going to eat".. she was NOT happy with me.. they ended up costing $1.99 a lb!!! You have GOT to be kidding me.. for Butternut Squash? In all my days of living NEVER EVER have I seen one that expensive!!!! I was sooooo BUMMED!!! So in truth I was defeated.. and I left squashless.. I know it's raised for the holiday.. EVERYTHING is.. even the price of gasoline... it amazes me how companies do this and can get away with it... But...... there's always a positive.. right??? Luke 24:34 says "It is true! The Lord has risen"..... Ok dear heavenly father.. can we talk about the rising prices of butternut squash too????? I just know today he is looking down on me and shaking his head.. wondering.. thinking.. " Oh daughter of mine.. what cloth were you cut from... cause you're totally crazy at time"....
I have yet to figure out how to show a video here.. but please watch this Youtube video... this is AWESOME!! Perfect for this weekend ( if not everyday... ) This video says it all.. ENJOY!!!


cajunquilter said...

oh what a wonderful video! i love butternut squash too! and yikes ! that is high! even for before a holiday!

Cris said...

That was such an awesome video. Thank you so much for sharing that.

Lara Neves said...

Thank you for reminding me of the butternut squash I have in the back of my fridge. I totally forgot about it...I think it's a week old. Do you think it's still good? :)

Mere said...

That was high for squash!! I LOVE any type of squash!!!...especially spagetti squash!!!


Happywife84 said...

ROFL girl! You crack me up!! We love squash! Acorn is our fave! How do you fix it? For acorn, I cut them in 1/2, scoop out seed & fill the cavity with honey & butter. When Dale does it, he takes all the skin off, deseeds it, cuts up in bite sizes, puts it in a dish with I dont know what, bakes it forever & it's like eating candy! lol

Now what are roasters?

Have yet to see the video! Will go there now.

I love this blog site! I"m having too much fun!!

Trish D said...

And this is why I love the freezer section :) We had our squash courtesy of Bird's Eye (and I didn't even have to clean it!!) At the rate our kiddos wolf down squash there is NO way I'd be paying that outrageous price, either!