Sign You're Driving Too Fast........
I thought this one was SUPER funny!! I have to be honest.. I DISLIKE STUPID Drivers!!! Come on you know the ones I'm talking about!! The ones who can't make a complete stop at a STOP sign.. The ones that think just because the car in front of them stopped that they stopped too.. and ride through with the front car.. ( I think this one drives me the MOST insane)...
Today my son was at baseball practice and well.. let's just say his face caught the fly ball... BLOOD everywhere... he was crying.. OH WHAT A MESS.. all I wanted to do was get him home.. and I think America's WORST drivers were on the road... My husband surrendered His shirt to catch the massive amount of blood that came from my son's nose.. so after I got my son settled.. I had to run back out and bring hubby a shirt.. but didn't want to leave my son alone to long... UGH!! I was leaving my drive way and I let a minivan go by.. I jumped out of the driveway ( cause normally the gal at the end of the street that babysits, gals come FLYING up and down our road .. another UGH) Well today this person decided NOT to move at the end of the road.. just sat there!!!! WHY???????????????????????? I have no idea.. Ok.. I GOT MAD!!! and just went around them.. and as I was going around them .. that's when she decided she wanted to go... umm NO DEAL lady... NO DEAL.. I actually ended up squealing my tires... don't think I've ever done that before.... Why do drivers have to be so mean?
I love this one.. this happened to me just this past week.. I'm listening to Toby Mac.. and BAM some old guy cuts me off.. I'm doing 35 TOPS.. well I didn't get a chance to slow down and guess what he DOES.. SLAMS on his breaks... WAIT.. ummm I beeped my horn and he gives me a shrug!!! Why is it some peoples intent to purposely take another person's life because of a car and who has to be first....WHY? In all honesty... that man could have killed me if I hadn't seen him slam on his breaks... it only takes seconds....
For the record.. I'm NOT a perfect driver... but I try to keep in mind why people drive the way they do.. Why do people think vehicles are toys.. and why oh why is there someone ALWAYS out there that think that they should be first .. and NOT you... WHY??
Today's post is kind of a little rant.. and for that please forgive me.. but thanks for letting me SHARE!!!
I found the CUTEST stationary to give away this week.. one of the boxes is shaped like a little purse with handles... and the other stationary looks like scrapbook paper.. it's so adorable.. so please.. keep posting.. can't wait to give it away!!!
I'm right there with you on rude drivers - I was just thinking the other day how perfectly awful people seem to be when they're behind the wheel. And why on earth doesn't anyone allow me to pull out of parking spaces anymore?!?!?! If I'm in a lot and see someone backing out, then I hang back and let them out. Well apparently I'm the only one that does that anymore, as I swear my back end has nearly been taken off as I creep out doing 3 MPH...
WHEW. Stepping back slowly and taking deep breaths :)
Wow. just wow. It seems like the day you need to really drive and get back to the game...all the old folks and bad drivers get on the poor thing!! And not to mention your son.....I just want to flinch thinking about that.....Hope he feels better soon! Cut dog picture!!!
i love the picture of the dog lol.
wow i am amazed at how much our lives are parallel lately! Both grandsons got hit with the ball this week. Both are fine, but the little guy did get knocked to the ground. and the older one has a lump on his forehead. No blood for either though thank you God. Oh and really thank you God that I wasn't there when either got hit lol.
Oh I so feel you on that one. I just heard yesterday that Michigan ranked #17 in the state with the worst drivers. I believe it. Actually I'm a little surprised that we aren't higher on the list. This morning on my way into work I had this guy in front of me who didn't want to excelerate getting onto the freeway and there was a semi coming in the right lane that we had to merge into. I had to slow down drasticially while going onto the shoulder just to make sure I didn't get hit by it!
Loved the picture by the way. It has me cracking up.
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