Each person should judge his own actions and not compare himself with others. Then he can be proud for what he himself has done. Galatians 6:4

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

My mood right now is grumpy... I'm finding that I'm even barking at the computer screen... Today is one of those days were I just am overtired and don't feel like being "cheery".. UGH...

What do you do to "pick yourself up"??? I'm in need of some ideas...

Hope your night is better than mine...




Jody said...

I listen to praise music. I cannot be grumpy for long when I am singing to and about the One I love! Try it. It always lifts my spirit. {Even when I WANT to be grumpy...I can't help it!} God is amazing. I hope you feel HIM, instead of grumpy soon. =)

Lara Neves said...

I'm super grumpy today too. I went on a walk with the kiddos, but it didn't quite snap me out of it. Probably PMS then.

hope you have a happier day soon!

Noelia said...

Hope your feel better soon. I do the same as Jody said, listen to some upbeat worship music and clean! I also like to organize and clean something for a little while. Tackle something small like cleaning out your spice cabinet or going through some clothes that I no longer wear and make a donation bag. Do small little things that you can complete/finish so once you're done, you'll have a feeling of accomplishment.

Cris said...

I third the music. Music soothes the savage beast. I usually play something that is fast and upbeat and it's not long before I'm dancin' instead of being grumpy. It also helps to have a good long talk with your heavenly father. Sometimes doing that helps us to find out what we might be really upset about...that is,if it's not PMS. ;P

Mere said...

I am a music lover too. I also pray about my grumpiness and am around people that love me and will lift me up. ((HUGS)) and hope you have a better day soon :)


cajunquilter said...

i call you lol. seriously hun call me and we will pray and chat. also the music is a great thing. i love love love praising Him, in fact i blogged about that this morning lol.

praying you are resting in the Father's arms today and all grumpiness is gone.

Susanne said...

Definitely the praise music or upbeat Christian contemporary.

If it's winter, a nice long soak in the tub with a cup of tea and a good book also helps a lot.

Hope you're in better spirits soon!